Since the 1920s, the Big Bang theory is widely accepted as THE way the universe came into existence. It sounds simple and elegant. If you were exposed to it long enough, it even makes sense, and you could see evidences for it in space. But let's try looking at it realistically, applying laws of physics at each stage of stellar evolution.
1. In the beginning there was nothing. Than out of nothing appeared matter.
Problem - The Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy says, matter cannot be created, nor destroyed, only converted from one state to another.
Solution - If you believe in God, you would say, well, God created matter, and than happened everything else. If you don't believe in God, you might look for other ways of explaining it, multi-verses perhaps?
2. Nothing decided to pack itself into a tiny dense dot.
Problem - What would be the mechanism that would pack nothing into a dense dot? Gravity only works on matter. Also when we talk about nothingness, we can't talk about density, for total volume is opposite of total density.
Solution - let's suppose gravity formed in that first split of a second perfectly, to pull it all together.
3. A tiny dot exploded.
Problem - there could only be two types of explosions, chemical and nuclear. This explosion could not have been chemical, since there were no chemicals yet. It couldn't have been nuclear either, since there were no atoms yet.
Solution - let's assume the dot was able to explode.
4. Matter expanded rapidly.
Problem - what mechanism would expand it? If gravity formed perfectly in step 2 to condense vacuum, that same gravity would prevent the dot from expanding.
Solution - let's assume there was some sort of a mechanism to send that matter flying outward.
5. Intense heat caused by the explosion produced protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Problem - there could be no heat without an energy source.
Solution - let's assume there was some mysterious source of heat.
6. The explosion followed extremely precise mathematical formulas.
Problem - Explosions follow no formulas, they can only follow chaos. For example, if the universe expanded only 0.1% faster, the present rate of expansion would have been 3000 times greater. Had the universe expanded only 0.1% slower, the universe would have only expanded to 3,000,000th of its present radius, and than collapsed.
Solution - let's assume...
7. As the particles rush outward, they slow down and start circling each other.
Problem - at this point there is no matter beyond this expanding flow of particles. What force would make these particles slow down and change direction? Today, objects slow down due to forces of friction, air resistance, etc. In a complete vacuum, the particles would continue rushing outward, linearly, forever.
Solution - let's assume some mechanism was able to get the particles circling.
8. Gas clouds begin to condense to form stars.
Problem - gas cannot condense unless something makes it condense. Gas only expands. In reality, stars can only explode, not form by themselves.
Solution - let's imagine gas does condense by itself in this case.
9. The Big Bang only produced hydrogen and helium, other elements were produced from those two.
Problem - there's a "gap at mass 5 and mass 8 problem". There are no stable atoms of mass 5 or mass 8. Neither proton, nor neutron can be attached to a helium nucleus of mass 4. Hydrogen bomb explosions can only produce hydrogen 2, which in turn forms helium 4. Because of that gap at mass 5, the chain reaction cannot continue. The same gap is repeated at mass 8. If there was no such gap, our sun would be spitting uranium at us!
Solution - let's assume the other elements did get produced.
10. First generation stars, composed of hydrogen and helium, explode to produce stars with heavier elements.
Problem - no first generation stars have been found. Plus, even over 15 billion years, there would be not enough time to produce all the stars we have today. Supernova explosions that should have produced new heavier stars occur only once or twice in a century. There are trillions of stars in the universe, which are second and third generation stars (exploded one or two times). They would need trillions of centuries to form. Couldn't they have exploded at a faster rate before? Not according to what we observe. Stars at the outer edges of the universe are, theoretically, snapshots of the beginning of time, and yet, we don't see more explosions when looking at the outer edges of the universe.
Solution - let's assume heavier stars did form somehow.
10. Intricate structures of solar systems, galaxies, clusters, and super-clusters, are formed.
Problem - explosions cannot produce order, they only produce disorder. How could planets assume perfect positions without falling into their stars, and stars assume perfect positions to not fall into galactic centers? How could all the forces in the universe get fine-tuned by themselves to create a universe that works like clock-work?
Solution - let's imagine...
Well, I guess this exercise is a good illustration of a typical creation/evolution debate! If you are convinced the Big Bang did happen, I am convinced that you can find better solutions to the above 10 problems, and maybe a 100 more. But to say that the Big Bang theory is more scientific, than saying that the universe is intelligently designed, nah... Any theory will always have holes in it. You can try fixing those holes if you want, but don't throw away your Bible just because it doesn't match with the currently accepted and ever-changing scientific theory.
Ferrell, Vance. The Evolution Handbook. Altamont, TN: Evolution Facts, 2005. Print.