
Biology articles about the living world around us and inside of us

Resident bacteria help protect plants from infections

Plants get sick just like people do. So pesticides were developed to protect plants from diseases. It turns out, nature has it's own way of hel

Exosomes - not just the garbage cans of the cell

Exosomes are tiny, spherical packages of information that cells exchange with each other to communicate. Tiny, but not small. Information inside of

Researchers observe scaffold building proteins that stop DNA damage

Every day, the cells in our body divide millions of times to renew themselves. Each time, the copying has to be compeleted with extreme percision.

Oceanic Whitetip Shark

The oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), also known as Brown Milbert's sand bar shark,


The aardvark is a medium-sized mammal that lives in Africa. It is known for its burrowing and as an insectivore. Burrowing because

Fossilized vocal organ may shed light on what kind of sounds dinosaurs made

You have probably heard how a dinosaur should sound from one of the movies you have watched. But in reality, we really

Basking Shark

The basking shark is the second biggest shark species after the whale shark. But it's teeth are tiny. It feeds by scooping up microscopic plank

Yard Birds - Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) is a permanent resident from northern Baja California to Vancouver, British Columbia. Southern range

A Gargoyle Shark: The Goblin

The Goblin Shark is a rare creature of the deep. It has a long flat snout lined with sense organs that detect electrical impulses from prey. Below

The Vanishing Angel Shark

The Angel Shark (also known as the Monkfish) was once common in coastal areas of the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. It has a wide, flatte

How does the Cholera bacteria fit into God's good creation

Cholera has been the cause of the biggest pandemics in history of mankind. When you study the function of the Cholera bacteria, it lo

How the properties of water help life

Water is the basic requirement for life. All living organisms need a constant supply of water to survive. Some organisms live in water, in fact 2/3

Ant civilizations - their job types, strategies, and cities

Ants act as one giant super-organism. Individual ant is not important. Serving the community is the primary purpose. Like pre-programmed robots, ea

Clark's Nutcracker or memory bird

Clark's Nutcracker gets its food by cracking nuts from pine trees. It has a strong bill to pry open the cones of trees and remove the nuts.